Thursday, May 05, 2011


last week & this week has been full of ups & downs. firstly,being sick affects every activity ): the drowsy medicine is effective but it's so darn hard to study under that drowsiness that I give up & fall asleep. because of being cooped up at home,I'm becoming fairer ): exercise has been really limited as well. I pant really fast & I had recent news that my immune system is so active that it's attacking itself -.- that's why I'm falling sick. hmm,any more bad points? driving on Tuesday was really shitty too.

on a positive note, driving today went perfectly well! tp soon ((: watched lion king with ws yesterday & it was really awesome! coming from a drama & theatre background,it was fantastic to see them recreate the scenes from the animated movie! but I couldn't stop myself from nitpicking as well. the viewing experience sucks due to my knowledge of backstage crew work & all that. but still,it was fantastic! the same thing happens when I watch a movie & if it's a romance genre,all the more predictable it is for me. studying interpersonal communication & all that really opens my eyes to the interaction between individuals. talking to ws really made it clearer that I really have no career in mind. I really don't know what to so in the future. does pay really matter? can I find a job that I can really enjoy & have a passion for & am really happy doing it so that it doesn't feel like a job? & oh, the hakuna matata song is stuck in my head (:

another plus point or neutral but crucial point would be what happened on labour day, 1 may 2011, Sunday & I had better document this down. during communion,the church had invited this particular priest from somewhere I don't know where & he prayed for me after he gave me the 'bread'. & the whole prayer just shocked me. he said something like: 'may you find progress & success as you go about your time in year 2 & 3 in university'. I couldn't stop smiling to myself. mark was beside me & he asked whether I knew that man or whether my dad knew him but NO. we/I have no relations at all with the man but yet he knew what to pray for for me! divine intervention indeed. & so,I take this as a sign as to continue my studies here in ub as once summer sem ends, it'll be year 2! sooo,I think I'll be rejected from NTU adm,again. but with God's blessing, year 2 & 3 here I comeee!

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