Tuesday, September 04, 2007


well, time flies. about 1 month and 20 plus days left to the Os.
daddy's got a new guitar.
family's got a new labtop.

when i grow up, i wanna make lots of money and own a big bungalow. typical wish.
but first, i've gotta work hard. real hard. slog it out!

ooh. jonas brothers' coming up real quick. i have the full album! whee. bought it off itunes. i also have the hairspray soundtrack! whee! i love music! i also bought the 1st album of the jonas brothers. it was selling at $5 at some sale near my house.

darn. chelsea lost. partially why i root for chelsea, is because their team's colour is blue.

i've been reading a book i borrowed from rachel.
it's a christian book so it's quite reliable. we all have a guardian angel, sent from God, to protect us. when we do something wrong, it's because our guardian angel has lost the fight with the demons sent by satan to whisper in our ear to make us do the wrong things. it's called spiritual warfare and you can win, if you pray. our prayers are like weapons. the Bible is the sword.

anyway, i've got some riddles.
what kind of footwear can banana peels make? SLIP-PERS
how do you scare bees? BOOBIE (BOO! BEE!)
why did the student eat his homework? BECAUSE HIS TEACHER SAID THAT IT WAS A PIECE OF CAKE

Good Morning Baltimore!

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