Sunday, July 12, 2009


in order to really focus for the upcoming ALEVELS, i have drawn up a plan.

i am going to confiscate my laptop from myself.
this will take effect on 31st july
& i mean it.
i am going to 'throw' my laptop out of my room
so no more blogging/facebook/music/email/news/pictures...

then people ask me, then how? what if need to see some important email?
my answer: use daddy/meimei/natnat's laptop instead. i will still have my harddrive. because using their laptop, i know it's not mine, so i can't use it for long, so i'll like quickly log in & log out.
i am determined to get A's so please help me.

there will still be updates here & there & using of fb once in a while cause i still have my phone with wi-fi. it isn't really like complete hiatus or anything, i just want lesser distractions in my journey towards the alevels

i still don't know what to do as a career or anything. like i first thought about psychology but i must totally abandon that cause there are TOO MANY PEOPLE doing it. so, i now have like many options that i find funny like : architecture, sport science & management and i want to become a zookeeper!

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