Thursday, July 09, 2009


these are some of the photos from the clique bbq gathering at pinegrove held during the june holidays! it was sad that some people couldn't make it. there were tons of photos taken like individual & pair shots cause people were trigger happy.

VODKA. who brought it? it was empty along with the other bottles by 9pm. tsk tsk. liquor-deprived people :D

jacon's store-bought

this is SOOO not orange juice neither is it apple juice, it is also not PEE. make a guess?

the girls that turned up! sigh, miss you may & yiling!

one of the funniest shots ever! THE GUYS IN THE CLIQUE never fail to put a smile on our faces! (((: JC/POLY friends would never ever believe that it's them! sigh, we all just haven't grown up

even funnier
yayy, me with all the guys. & yes, i'm wearing shorts.
GROUP SHOT with all the mini-drunkards

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