Friday, September 22, 2006


i am who i am.
if you, what the hell, don't like me, then f*** off.

i'm the kind of person who has like some kind of radar in my head. i'll pick out for those whom i can really trust, who i'll like and who i'll HATE. i make sure like there's some sort of boundary between me and the people i don't like. if you backstab me, you'll just wait. f*** off. you'll sense hostility from me towards you. SERIOUSLY. don't try to be bigger than me. i hate this kind of people. f***ing irritating.

i'm the kind who has tons of insecurities. i'll keep GIGANTIC amounts of stuff to myself till one day, i'll explode in tears, laughter and rage. need a shoulder, a hug, a whatever. just a really trustable listening ear. don't be angelic infront of me, you are only telling yourself that you're really a f***er.

you people out there may think it's you, but whatever, it's up to your great minds to lead you to seriously high imaginations. don't worry, it's not you. i don't usually use vulgarities. but when i'm pissed and really hurt, i will. i feel like i'm some sort of ferocious animal chained up. being chained up, i'm tame. but once free, oh how my teeth, claws and fangs will rise. darn you.

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