Saturday, December 08, 2012


It's like, I don't think I can do anything right in my life. Like nothing ever goes right. Nothing really happens the way I want it to be. Today's another of those kind of days where I just feel totally defeated. Even if I wanna cry about it, I can't even do so. I just wanna slumber till the day ends and wake up feeling refreshed for a new day of challenges awaits. I just wanna be alone and emo by myself. I just don't know why I can't get this done right. I really want a time whereby I can sit back and look at what I've done and say, 'Yes Fiona, well done, you gave your 100%'. But the time is not now, so I've just got to continue to try and keep my head high and plaster a smile in my face. But today, just let me sink my head as low as possible. It's like I'm never strong enough. Never pretty enough. Never smart enough. Never frugal enough. Never tall enough. Never fast enough. I would like to say, 'Look at how far you have come', but that is not the case. Seriously, where do I stand in life? Yes, I do know that there's God's life path for me and the whole 'thy word is a lamp onto my feet and a light to my path', but sometimes I just get so sick of it. I wanna see the futureeee! I just can't understand why am I feeling so defeated today. Well shit happens

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