Friday, October 07, 2011


I know I have not updated this blog as much as I want to and I know I probably have not posted anything regarding this either. So, here it goes: It's coming to four months since I jumped into this boat and it really got my heart pumping real fast. No, it's not a him, it's track and field. I still can remember my 1st training, which was 14 June 2011. I was dead tired, muscles aching and super fatigued after training. Joining track and field didn't cross my mind at all when I came into SIM, all I knew was that I wanted to do something new and keep myself fit. It was during summer semester when someone pulled me in to just give a shot at this sport. Since muay thai wasn't conducting any sessions because of UOL's exams, I told myself, fineeee I'll go since I have nothing to do. HAHA.

As it turns out, time zoomed past real fast. In the beginning, I kept denying that I was still thinking about track and field because I really wanted to join a CCA that's new and probably a team sport too. After like 3 weeks of training, it was decided, I was definitely staying in this 'I-run-to-run' cca. The team were really supportive during training and friendly outside training, like during dinners. It was hard to connect with most of them at first maybe because I was new? Or maybe because I speak too much English? HAHA.

In 3 months, I lost quite a lot of something. I don't know whether it's fat or muscle. HAHA. Anyway, I couldn't really tell whether I improved or not. Then, summer semester ended & I went to Perth for 2 weeks. I tried exercising there. I really tried. SUPER COLD AIR. When I came back, I ran everyday, pushing myself hard because on that coming Sunday, it was the SAFRA Army Half Marathon 2011. I knew I could do better for that run if not for my stupid stomachache but with an official timing of 2hrs and 9mins, I was somewhat satisfied. WHY? Because it was waaaaay better than my last year's timing. Like I was 20-25mins slower last year.

Then came the real test of how far I've become, SUniG 2011. A 6KM run at Bedok Reservoir with a super incline just before 3KM. 6 girls from each school, so that makes 24 girls altogether. During the race itself, it was tiring and I gave my all. My heart and lungs 'burned' so badly. I guess I wasn't really nervous about this race because I knew I already couldn't come in Top 10 or whatsoever. And I had pretty much convinced myself that all that I wanted out of this race was to know that I gave my all and my best effort. I did not really care for the results/timings, all I wanted was the feeling that I had ran my best (cause I usually feel dissatisfied with myself after a run). 6km came and gone, & yes, I did my best. Oh, with a timing of 30mins 39 secs I think. I don't want to sound complacent or boast, but if I can hit 30mins for 6km now, what can I achieve in half a year's time? Or 1 year? Certainly better I hope, hahaha, I hope my legs and wallet can last.

I always tell everyone that I can't run but I always knew from Secondary 2 onwards that I could run, but I didn't know that I could really run. I thank my coach and especially my teammates. Cheering for one another, words of encouragement and even a simple clap works wonders during training. I also thank God, schoolmates and church friends. Without these people, Fiona Ghui wouldn't have these slender legs. Nah, I'm just kidding. I really appreciate this new family that I have found, don't think I would have been able to achieve the same thing if I joined soccer. THANKS SIM T&F (:

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