Monday, June 25, 2012


Busy busy busy life. I wish I had more hours in a day, but that would mean I need more money to upkeep my spending. Seriously, money to me is like water flowing through my hand. Thus, in order to upkeep my spending, I got myself a new job. So, Fiona Ghui is now working at Jipaban AND Energia Fitness Club. I feel embarrassed every time I have to ask money from my parents ): They both pay me $6/hr and I wish I could earn more (apart from selling my backside)! So, working at Jipaban for nearly a month, has increased my Photoshop skills by a trillion! There's so much creative stuff I wanna do now! Anyway, basically my job title at Jipaban is known as a MINION; as in those yellow minions in Despicable Me. Anwayyyy, in layman terms, it's kinda like saikang. I kinda need a more professional name for this job if I wanna put this down in my resume. So, apart from photoshopping models and adjusting lighting and stuff, I do creative stuff too. Hmm, I really got to know the jargon for creative design soon. So, this is what I have done so far:

This is the FB preview for the brand Dress Down Friday. Man, the model's really pretty and according to my colleagues, she has a really good body! Hahaha.

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